Friday, April 4, 2008

I Did It!

I replaced the headlights on the Honda! Only one was burned out but it's best to do both while you're at it. I could have paid Pepboys $10 to do it for me but I did it myself. It's not very hard to do but it's a skill set I use only once every 10 years or so. I don't get much practice changing headlights. The headlight went out on Sunday. I bought the bulbs on Monday. I waited until a warm, sunny day like today to change the bulbs because I work best when I'm not shivering.

On another note, I've changed the canary's name to Migwe. Tschaivosky just wasn't rolling off my tongue like Migwe does. Plus the bird always sang more when I played my African music CD so I named it after the driver on my trip - the guy who was always playing music. Now that the bird is a little older, he's starting to sing so prettily. He sings the most when I'm working at the stove or at the sink. He rolls his r's and he trills up the scale and trills back down again. The music is so sweet - much more pleasant than my previous parakeets or finches.

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