Monday, June 9, 2008

Not The Monday Morning I Had Planned

Some Mondays are harder than others.

I got to work on time and turned on my computer and updated my voice mail as usual. I was about to walk up to the office to check my mail box (catch up on the weekend with my coworkers) when I remembered I was supposed to be at Cub Foods. I don't normally go to Cub Foods during the work day but I offered to help someone learn a new Traveler bus route. All she needed was a little help to make the right connection and I was to tell the driver where she needed to get off. From Friday afternoon to Monday morning, this obligation had completely slipped my mind. So I rush back to my car and head to Cub Foods where I see the Traveler route 805 heading north. It's now 7:40. She isn't due to catch her ride (805 south) until 8:18. So I wait thinking she should be along any minute now. My person who needed just a little help never showed up. By now it's 8:18 and I see the Traveler 805 stop. I get out of my car and approach the bus but before I could hobble over there, it takes off. Although the windows are tinted, I think I see my person already on the bus. I was pretty sure I glimpsed her dark hair and anxious posture in the front seat. She must have gotten on the wrong bus, took a half hour tour, and is now, by default, on the right bus. So I hobble back to my car and try to follow it. Well, the Traveler wastes no time and was on Round Lake Boulevard before I could get out of the Cub Foods parking lot. I was just starting to catch up when the Traveler caught a lucky left turn green light going into Riverdale. The light turned red as I got into the left turn lane. I'm a little anxious to help this person get off at the stop which is coming up quick and there was no one in the north bound lane so (please don't tell anyone) I went through a red light. Breaking the law did me absolutely no good because my person didn't get off at the stop she was supposed to get off at. She stayed on, at least I was fairly certain she stayed on, if she was on there at all. So I thought I could just stop the Traveler bus and get her off, drive her to her job, and all would be well. You try getting a large transit bus to stop! It's not easy. I waved out the window. He stopped to let someone off and I pulled up behind it in the right turn lane, jumped out, only to have diesel fumes sprayed into my face as it pulled away. Disappointed, I hobble back to the car to try again. Rope would help. If I could lasso this Traveler, then it would stop and all would be well. I continue to follow it through the twists and turns of Riverdale. It crosses Main Street. I think it will stop at Target. It doesn't. Doesn't stop at any of the stores it passed by. The Traveler pulls up to a red light to turn left onto Main Street. I debate leaving my car in the left turn lane and knocking on the driver's window from the median. How much longer do I have before the light turns green? Turns out I had plenty of time but I didn't know that until too late. Left we go onto Main Street and left again onto Round Lake Boulevard. Now I debate pulling a cop move on the Traveler. What if I pass it and force it to the curb by stopping in front of it? I decide the Honda Civic will loose in a battle between it and a 30 passenger vehicle. So at the next stop, I'll get out faster and catch that driver for sure. Now we're going east on 119th in Coon Rapids. No chances to stop the Traveler. He crosses Coon Lake Boulevard and heads south on Northdale. By now my person is 20 minutes late for work. Finally, near Coon Rapids High School, people want to get off the Traveler and three people want to get on giving me time to get out of my car and walk up to the door before he pulls away. My person is in the front seat as I suspected. She isn't too happy. She knows she's late for work and she hates that. The driver says, "You have been following me." He noticed! I tell him I've been trying to get him to stop for the past 3 miles. He didn't notice that but he lets me take my person off the bus. By now I am shaking from the adrenalin and anxiety. I call the office and tell them I've got her and bring her to work. She's really not happy and I'm a convenient target. I can see her point. She had a week of vacation and didn't know about this transportation change until she got back. And she's not happy that it didn't work out for her. And she hates being late for work. I drive her to work and head back to my office, about 2 hours later than my first attempt. What a morning.

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