Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Some Like It Hot

The weather today was hot and humid. I worked hard today. We helped Offspring #2 move into a house on campus. I didn't lift anything heavy but I did walk up and down 3 flights of stairs a lot. I swept. I vacuumed. I moved lighter bags and boxes. My favorite haul was a large blue sheet full of something soft (pillows? towels?). I slung it over my back and I felt like Santa Claus. I sat on the steps to rest and the sweat dripped off my head and soaked the concrete steps. Even thought I was hot and I was sweaty, I still like it hot. I love hot weather. I'd take this weather over cold any day. Right after I graduated from college, I ended up moving on New Year's Eve three years in a row. That was not any fun at all. If I have to move, I'd rather do it in the summertime.


Cajo said...

Thanks for your help, Santa! They were pillows, by the way.

Sue said...

Oh, you are welcome. It was fun. And I lost two pounds!

The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...