Friday, September 10, 2010

Jewels of Opar

A friend of mine from a bird class gave me these annual plants called "Jewels of Opar." Sexy name, no? She said the flowers remind her of fireworks. With a name and description like that, I was glad to get them. I got about six. I put some in the shade and some in the sun. The plants in the sun are doing better than the ones in the shade. The leaves are a beautiful lime green, almost chartreuse. And the flowers are like miniature fireworks. The flowers are tiny round balls that start out pink, turn red, and end up as orange seed pods. I think they are beautiful on a small scale. I plan to bring some inside and nurse them along all winter so I can enjoy them again next summer. By the way, unless you want to see belly dancers, do no go to

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The Winter People

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