Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Two More Days

For only two more days do I need to take the school bus shuttle to work.  For all these years I took for granted the freedom to walk out of my office and get in my car or on my motorcycle to go home.  Only two more days will I be parking under the Blaine water tower.  On Monday I will be parking on a sm0000th lot which may or may not have stripes painted on it.  One benefit to riding the school bus is that I found a strange and intriguing, um, do I call it art?  I found a strange and intriguing sculpture in some one's back yard.  There is a brown house just 3 doors southeast of the intersection of Polk and 91st.  In the backyard is a 25 foot tall tree trunk.  All the limbs are cut off.  The tree has evidently died.  This was a big tree and I think it would take more than one person to wrap arms completely around it.  On the tree trunk are between 50 and 75 dishes.  These dishes look like satellite dishes.  The dishes are hung on the tree like the upright satellite dishes you see on houses and decks for television reception.  Each dish is painted.  One is white, one is yellow, one is red, one is blue.  The dishes are all sorts of colors.  Some are painted in solid colors and others have designs on them.  I can't really see because the school bus lumbers by so quickly and I can only get a glimpse of it between the two houses.  This sculpture wasn't made for motorists.  Given it's location, I think it is designed for someone in the brown house to enjoy.  Or it is possible that someone is trying to anger their neighbor.  I'd like to take a picture of the art sculpture but there is no parking on Polk and I don't feel comfortable walking up to a house with a camera.  Someone put a lot of work into this satellite sculpture.  Every day when I go by on the bus I try to get a better look at it.  I know there is a story behind this sculpture and I am intrigued.  I've driven by this house for years and years and never noticed until someone on the school bus pointed it out.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...