Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bird Class

I signed up for ornithology class again and the first meeting was Monday.  This is my third year taking this same class.  The first meeting was like a reunion because at least ten of the students have taken the class before.  One woman has taken it six or seven times.  The lessons don't change much.  The field trips are the same.  And it's not that we are slow learners. We're just a group of people who enjoy being outside and discussing nature while looking for birds.  And different birds show up each year.  We have two teachers and they are both top notch educators. I was just looking over our handout.  Hidden in all the words are some great tidbits.  Tidbit #1 Birds are great to improve minds, senses and bodies.  Tidbit #2 70% of bird species in the world are declining.  Tidbit #3 Birds are great indicator of worldwide environments.  Tidbit #4 Birds are good to enhance travel and add quality to our backyards.  I agree with all those tidbits.  So I will be busy Monday nights and early on Saturday mornings and I might even complain about not being able to sleep in on Saturday but I'll be improving my mind, my body, and my senses.

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