Thursday, December 22, 2011

Top Ten Road Signs That Cause Me Anxiety

I've put on over 3000 miles in the past week and I'm getting tired of driving,  Today was a harrowing ride; so harrowing I need another day to process before I write about it.  Instead here is a list of the signs that cause me anxiety on the road:
1o. Horse crossing
9.  Deer crossing
8. Elk crossing (especially with the big racks)
7. Cow crossing
6.  Watch for ice on bridges
5.  Watch For Water On Roads (What should I do if I see some?)
4.  Icy Roads CHP (Colorado Highway Patrol) has slowed traffic to 50 mph
3. Gusty Winds Possible
2. Chain Station Open (where semi's have to add chains to their tires)
1. Zero Visibility Possible

Seriously, zero visibility possible?  Dude!  I can handle animals on the road.  To see a pack of wild horses cross would be thrilling.  I can handle ice and snow.  But zero visibility?  I have no plan for that except prayer.

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Book Of The Little Axe

 Lauren Frances-Sharma is the author of Book Of The Little Axe: A Novel. I just finished reading it today. The story starts out in the late ...