Monday, February 27, 2012

Orpington Decision

A sibling gave me a chicken catalog.  I've been looking through it for over a month; page after page of chickens to choose from.  Since I only have Meredith left, I thought it was time to get more chicks to raise.  Last time I ordered chickens my main objective in getting chickens was to be closer to my egg source.  Now my objective in getting chickens in two fold - eggs and entertainment.  I've had more fun than I ever expected watching  chickens and being a part of their daily drama.  So I knew I wanted chickens but I had trouble making a decision.  I want five females.  I think this chicken catalog brought out the ADD (attention deficit disorder) in me.  I would look at a page, admire the chickens, turn the page, admire those chickens, start looking at the swans, the geese, the peacocks, the ducks and the quail.  Every page had something fascinating on it.  I could look through the catalog for 15 minutes and put it down being no closer to a decision than I was before I picked it up.  Do I want a Polish chicken with the fancy hairdo or will their feathers obstruct their view and make them more vulnerable to predators?  Well, Polish are only available in a mixed run (male and female) so that is out.  How about a Cochin with the feathery legs?  Choosing a chicken that can be sorted by sex and is cold hardy narrowed down my choices.  How about getting a beautiful all white peacock?  Wouldn't that be awesome?  Stop!  No peacocks.  Be sensible.  Finally, this last Saturday, I came to a decision. I'm getting Orpingtons, buff Orpingtons.  In this case, buff does not mean well muscled but a color (orangy tan).  Orpingtons are larger chickens.  Females weight about 8 pounds.  I thought a larger chicken would be nice because they could stay warmer together in the coop and might be less likely to be picked off by a fox or a cat or a dog.  Orpingtons are named after a town in  England.  These chickens are known for their fluffy feathers, soft appearance and gentle contours.  They are large and therefore don't fly much.  Orpingtons are calm and easily tamed.  I can hardly wait to get my new family of chickens.  I hope Meredith is accepting of her new companions.  New chicks!  I'm so excited!!!!!!

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