Thursday, April 12, 2012


Yesterday a chipping sparrow hopped onto my deck railing to eat left over canary food.  Awwwww!  How precious and cute that "first of the  year" chipping sparrow appeared to my chipping sparrow deprived eyes.  I haven't seen one since last fall.  With their red cap, black eye line, and pink beak and pink legs, a chipping sparrow can warm your heart.  However, if I see one in June, July and August, I react with, "Meh."    Cardinals, always impressive, are expecially striking on December 25th.  A robin on a December day makes me feel good.  Seeing a robin in June is not so inspiring.  How I feel when I see a bird depends on the circumstances.  The more unusual the bird sighting, the better I feel.  I think if blue jays weren't around all year and weren't so common, they could be at the top of my feel good list.  Blue jays loose their status because we see and hear them every day of the year. 

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