Saturday, March 16, 2013

Bob's Sweet Voice

We take a break from the Australian travelogue to describe an out of the ordinary Friday evening.  My plans were to take Offspring #2 out to dinner, give her the month's supply of mail, and be home by 8:30 to take my antibiotics and go to bed.  Instead, she asks me, "Do you want to see Bob Seger in concert?  I may have free tickets."  Hell to the yeah I want to see Bob Seger in concert.  After a delicious dinner we went to the Excel Center where we unfortunately had to park outside and on the top floor.  Kid Rock was playing when we arrived.  Who is this guy?  A pro-wrestler with a microphone?  A victim of fetal alcohol syndrome misguidedly sent onto a stage?  Kid Rock can jump and he can emote anger but I wouldn't call him a singer.  Plus he's very controlling.  He asked the audience to chant his name.  The women were instructed to say Kid and the men were instructed to say Rock according to his cues.  Megalomaniac much?  I doubt his real name is Kid Rock. His real name is probably Wilbur Pottymouth or something.  And another thing, (this guy really rubbed me wrong), one minute he is inviting members of congress to suck his favorite appendage and not 10 minutes later he's riding the patriotic musician banner.  Who does he think he is kidding?  We were in a suite so we sat at high chairs at a counter and enjoyed free soda and appetizers while we waited for the Kid Rock to kindly (and finally!) leave the stage.  And then Bob walked out in view.  Bob Seger is a singer. Bob Seger is an entertainer.  Bob Seger is a musician.  He charmed the audience. His hair is white and shorter than it used to be but he can still perform. I sang along very loudly and probably off key.  I memorized his album back in the 1970's and remembered most of the words.  He was great. I was dancing in my chair.  A guy next to me said Bob Seger is an under appreciated Bruce Springsteen.  I could see his point. I really wanted Bob to play "Night Moves."  After his set he left the stage the audience clapped for him to come back.  He came back.  Yay!  And the music started for "Night Moves."  Another Yay!  And then my heart dropped. Out comes Mr. Rude Crude Kid Rock to sing a duet with Bob.  I don't want to hear his nasally, lispy voice.  I want to hear Bob's sweet voice on my very favorite song, thankyouverymuch!  And then Kid Rock fumbled up on the lyrics.  I was so disappointed. If I had paid for these tickets I would have been even more upset.  And on Bob's song, Kid Rock is out there directing us to wave our arms and clap our hands.  He's really got control issues that need addressing.  Also, could he please wash his hair?  After that Bob joined Kid Rock on one of his signature (I hate to call it a song) song.  Bob, no. Don't ever do that again.  Those vulgar, angry words should not be coming out of your mouth.  Except for the other guy, the Bob Seger concert was great.  Even with a 45 minute wait for a single car on the fifth floor of the parking lot to move a single inch, I had a great evening.

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