Saturday, October 19, 2013

Oh Happy Day or A Change Will Do You Good

Today I am celebrating the end of a problem.  The hole on my leg has finally closed.  I feel whole again.  Beginning July 5, it has been a long and interesting journey.  As you can see, the entire look of my dining room table has changed. No more sterile saline and gauze, debridement kits and paper tape. I put all that away.  I don't need it anymore.  I bought myself some flowers to celebrate.  I think I'll give my leg a few days to toughen up before I go swimming.  Not everyone who goes swimming has good hygiene so I want to be extra careful.  Now I can start planning the trip I want to take.  Let's see, where to go, where to go?  A cruise through the Panama Canal?  A journey to the Florida Keys?  A long weekend in Chicago?  You can get round trip tickets to Arizona now for only $200. Dreaming about a trip is half the fun.   

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