Sunday, June 1, 2014

Frog and Toad Survey #2

If I had to describe this frog and toad survey in one word it would be wet.  Wetness all around.  In this photo you can see the wetland crowding the left side of the road.  What you can't see from this angle is that the right side of the road is just as flooded as the left.  Fish could swim up this road.  We started early because the skies looked like they were going to open up and dump buckets of rain.  And we were right because at the 8th stop the rain started.  We had to quit then because we couldn't hear anything but rain.  The wind was blowing hard enough to sway small trees.  I'm glad we left when we did because it was a harrowing ride home.  I had to drive 20 or more miles below the speed limit most of the time because I couldn't see the road.  The road was littered with tree debris and we think possibly a tree did come down on Hwy. 169 because 3 emergency vehicles were parked on the side of the highway.  Not many cars were out last night but there were plenty of frogs and plenty of mosquitoes out.  We heard tree frogs, spring peepers, American toads and chorus frogs.  The tree frogs were the loudest and most plentiful.  We also heard veery singing, snipe winnowing, and some other sounds.  One of the sounds we heard was like large bubbles of gas coming up through the wetland and breaking open.  Another sound was like that of a severe digestive ailment.  Although it would be fascinating to know what exactly made those sounds I am not willing to go into the wetland and find out because who knows, it could be the swamp monster.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...