Friday, October 3, 2014

Nashville Warbler

I got a really good look at a Nashville warbler today at 5:45 p.m.  Warblers are nervous, twitchy little birds.  They're usually hard to see.  And while watching them I've often wished they would sit still for just a second.  This warbler migrating south sat still for me because it was dead.  It had crashed into the two-story tall glass entry-way of the gym I attend.  I saw it when I came out after swimming. The poor warbler lay dead on the sidewalk just outside the door.  I assume it saw the reflection of the sky in the glass and flew into it at full speed.  I admired the bright yellow breast and the white eye ring while holding the door open for two other gym goers.  I moved the bird gently to the side with my shoe so it wouldn't get stepped on.  I pushed it next to the big pot of flowers.  Poor little Nashville warbler.  Was he on his way south from here in Minnesota or had he come from Canada?  Was it able to raise a brood of chicks in it's nest on the ground under a tree?  Did it, like some Nashville warblers do, use a porcupine quill in the nest?  (Ouch!)  Although I am glad to get a good look at a Nashville warbler, I am sad it was under these conditions.   .

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