Saturday, January 24, 2015


This is Kent Haruf's third novel about people in the fictional town of Holt, Colorado.  In Benediction the story focuses on the owner of the hardware store, a new pastor in town, and an eight year old girl living with her Grandmother after her mother died of breast cancer.  The owner of the hardware store is dying while his wife and his daughter take care of him. He has led an upright life but he hasn't always been a likeable man.  The new pastor in town is also leading an upright life but when he gives a sermon about "turning the other cheek" the congregation calls him a terrorist lover and walks out of church.  The story gives a great description of small town Colorado life.  A couple times the author writes about characters from Plainsong and Eventide which thrilled me because I remembered them.  This was a great story that held my interest from beginning to end.

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