Sunday, April 26, 2015

Spring Is Potential

Both yesterday and today I spent a lot of time outside enjoying the spring weather.  I close my eyes and try to identify everything I hear.  The blue jay calls in three languages before it is sure the coast is clear enough to come and take a drink from the bird bath.  Two phoebes call "Cheese burger!  Cheese Burger!" back and forth from different trees in the yard.  White breasted nuthatches call their negative "Nuh - uh."   Chickadees say their own name. The stupid calico feral cat sits so still next to a pile of brush that I stare at it for 30 seconds before I see it appear like an image in a  magic eye picture.  A pileated woodpecker zips like a fighter pilot through the trees making me wish I could fly.  A bee goes into a hole in the sand. Angleworms wiggle in the soil.  The moss is growing little flower stalks on a shady path and I pick the early dandelion leaves because the chickens and the canary love to eat them.  The gooseberry brambles in the woods have leafed out but the rest of the foliage still preparing.  There is so much potential in the air!  And it's the potential that I appreciate.  Change is coming.  The world is coming back to life after a long nap.  Like a soprano taking in a deep breath before planning to hit the high "C" or a sprinter posed at the starting block, spring is about to bust wide open.

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