Sunday, August 30, 2015


Ironically, a day after preaching about fire safety as Smokey the Bear, I set a fire in my yard.  I started out with 3 months worth of dryer lint and a home made fire starter. I spent 5 hours burning brush.  I finished burning all the wood trimmed off the white oak and the black walnut tree.  Plus I burned quite a bit of a cherrywood tree that fell ever so close to the canoe.  I had a big fire going that sent flames 4 feet into the air.  I wanted to clean up the big pile of brush in my driveway and I got that done plus more.  I enjoyed the wonderful summer evening tending the fire, listening to the birds.  If some of the pieces of wood are 15 feet long I set the center in the fire and as it burns I break it off and throw both ends in.  As darkness fell the insects got louder and more aggressive.  Burning brush is one of the most enjoyable chores for a home owner to complete.

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