Friday, April 15, 2016

Trouble Coming Up With A Good Anology

Today we went for a walk near Laddie Lake at lunch. The sky was blue and the breeze was warm.  Grass was growing. Magnolia trees and forsythia were blooming.  I saw my first dragonfly.  Chickadees, blue jays, red winged blackbirds, wood ducks, mallards and nuthatches were singing.  The trees have not leafed out yet but they're about to.  We're on the cusp of spring.  The change is palpable.  So much energy is waiting to burst forth.  It's like, uh, it's like a big pimple ripening?  Gross.  A boil coming to a head?  No, spring is not an infection.  Lets not go down the sexual road.  A dam breaking?  No, spring is not destructive. How about Old Faithful?  A Volcano?  I don't know a really great analogy but it's gonna happen any minute now and I love seeing the potential of life.


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