Monday, August 1, 2016

Where Once There Was No Shed; Now There Is A Shed

Ask yourself, can three Baby Boomers and Five Millennials combine forces and create a 8x10 shed out of a kit off Amazon?  Yes, the answer is yes, and we can have a good time doing it.  Hammering is not my forte' but I can do it.  I hammer like this:  bam! (hit the nail on the head-a rare event), bam! (swing and miss entirely), bam! (tap 3 times to straighten the nail), bam (another hit), bam (straighten, straighten, straighten), bam, (straighten straighten, straighten) repeat 14 times and the nail is in!  Whereas my brother in law, with his handy dandy heavy hammer, goes Bam, Bam, Bam, Bam and that nail is in!  Oh, such skill - a beautiful thing to see. The sound of a nail being hit directly in resembles a xylophone - bam, bam, bam, bam in a slightly higher tone that brings music to my ears.  Yet the millennials are very good with hammers no matter the gender.  I gotta say, more time is spent by millennials in throwing the hammer into the air and catching it again than the baby boomers (who are probably more worried about sore toes).  The important thing is, all ages cooperated in a group problem solving energy that was beautiful to witness.  There was that one moment when a neighbor, an older man, beckoned to Offspring #2 with his finger and said, "Come Here Sweetie."  I knew anything out of that man's mouth that started with "Come Here Sweetie," was not going to go well.  He thought (did anyone ask? No.  He interrupted our work) that the floor that came with the kit wasn't the best floor for a shed to have.  Whatever, buddy, go back to your couch while we're out here working and getting things done. I helped a little.  I made 3 trips to Home Depot. I sorted screws.  I measured and labelled boards into 96 inch, 58 inch, 48 inch, 42 inch, 22 inch and I separated screws into 1/2 inch, 1 inch, 1 1/4 inch, 3 inch, 4 inch).  I refilled glasses of ice water. I brought stuff to people who needed it. I held a shed wall in place while a hammer drill sung and I sincerely hoped I was not about to get my ear canal cleaned out.  I measured roof  gables into exactly 102 inch long gables where my comments (with my trusty retractable measuring tape) readings were misinterpreted into bedroom comments, "Oh, too far, too short, oh, too far, 101.8, Oh, yeah, baby, just right"" by the millennials which cracked me up because I knew what they were thinking but could not be more eloquent given how fast these measurements were changing. Helpful and funny?  What better role for me?  Plus I brought strawberry short cake and what says summer better than strawberry short cake?  Like one millennial (who, by the way, has a driver drill which I so want and had never even heard of before-putting it on my Amazon gift list) said it best, "Where Once There Was No Shed; Now There Is A Shed."    Baby boomers and Millennials Unite and Get A Shed Built!

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