Monday, October 17, 2016

Somebody Was Crowing On Sunday

I worked outside on Sunday doing fall chores. I emptied my rain barrel.  I washed and waxed and cleaned my car.  I cleaned out the gutters. I picked up all the leaves and filled my compost bins to the top.  While outside I heard a sound like a chicken crowing but not exactly.  I've been waiting for signs of roosters in these chicks who hatched in July. Crowing is a sign of a rooster.  I heard the sound and wondered if a local wild turkey made that sound.  Sometimes I'm not too bright. Turkeys gobble. Chickens crow.  A bird watcher should know that.  Later in the afternoon I heard a feeble crowing again!  This time I knew, a rooster is trying out his voice.  Which one of you chickens is the rooster?  Inquiring minds want to know. Because, by the way, you are doomed.  I have no need for roosters.  I sneak around the corner of the house to observe.  I hear the feeble crow again. One of the whiter Polish chickens is crowing and I can tell by his body language.  Earlier, I had thought about naming one of these white Polish Donald Trump but I didn't want to because I didn't want a Donald Trump in my yard.  But now, knowing he is off to either a chicken auction or a stew pot, naming his Donald Trump does seem more appropriate. 

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