Thursday, August 10, 2017

Audrey 2 Maybe?

Would you worry?
This picture is a glamour shot of one of my favorite house plants. This Christmas cactus came from the original my Grandparents had in their home for many years. My Grandfather helped me put it in a pot. Let me see, he died when I was in college I believe so if I do the math right (no guarantees) I have owned this plant for, um, between 40 and 50 years? Incredible. Although I don't remember saying any vows when I got this cactus I once nicknamed Tanglepuss, the relationship between Tanglepuss and I lasted a lot longer than my marriage. I remember thanking Grandma and Grandpa and Grandma told me not to say thank you. She said saying thank you for a plant was bad because if you do the plant will die. I see now that she was dead wrong so I will rethink her other tidbits of wisdom such as it's bad luck to change your shirt if you put it on backwards, don't raise your hands over your head if you are pregnant or the cord will wrap around the babies neck, the sun always shines on Sunday, and laying on your tummy will relieve a belly ache. I hope she was correct when she told me my mother loved me (fingers crossed).  Anyway, this chunk of Tanglepuss is thriving and now that worries me.  Did you ever watch Little Shop of Horrors?  Little Shop of Horrors is a play and a film with rock music, horror, and music. Audrey 2 is a fantastic plant with animal qualities and basically the evil villain who wants to take over the world. Some plants are carnivorous. Some plants are murderous in that they twine around other plants and strangle them to death. In doing yard work last Sunday I could have sworn my peony (say that with the accent on the middle syllable please) moved two inches south of where I planted it but I doubt myself a little. Audrey 2 could move and she could move fast. So I think I am in control of Tanglepuss.  I put it in the living room and it stays in the living room. Tanglepuss might lift some branches to the sun or might turn to look out the window if I don't rotate it often enough. Tanglepuss doesn't demand attention. I water it once a week and rotate it once or twice a year. I feed it fertilizer when I remember which is about once every five years. I just don't like the way Tanglepuss is acting lately. The way the cactus feels free to move into that dear child's rocking chair? I am a tad creeped out. Perhaps my Grandparent's spirits are alive and living through Tanglepuss in which case I am relieved because that would be a better option than having Audrey 2 in my house.

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