Sunday, February 18, 2018

Sunday Sightings!

As I type this a pair of pileated woodpeckers feed 12 feet away on a hunk of beef suet suspended from my deck.  He eats first.  He has a red mustache. She circles the black walnut tree. She lands about 20 feet up from the ground and descends down the tree.  I suppose she is listening for bugs.When she reaches the ground she pecks at a few things in the snow and goes back up.  He eats until he is full and flies to the same tree. A downy woodpecker thinks it's her turn to eat but flies off when the female pileated flies to the suet.  She eats for about 3 minutes and they both fly off to the east.  I feel pretty lucky to witness this but I feel even better about the snowy owl I saw again today. As I drove east on Highway 10 I saw the owl  soaring in the sky. In the background I saw the ice houses still out there on Crooked Lake. On my way home I see a bald eagle soaring a mile from my house.  Now the downy woodpecker is back. I think now would be a good time to bring my laundry in from outside before somebody flies away with my underwear.

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Book Of The Little Axe

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