Monday, May 14, 2018

Three Points of Contact Again!

Yesterday Offspring #2 and I went kayaking at Lake Orono in Elk River. I paddled around the very large body of water. I debated going under Highway 10 but I thought I would save that for another time.  I saw mallards, black and white warblers, and some other warblers.  I think warblers must have anxiety because they do not sit still for a single second.  Warblers are very twitchy birds and it is impossible to get a good long look at them. As I paddled by the bridge I watched car after car after truck after boat heading east. I felt sorry for those commuters because I thought I was having more fun in my kayak. Paddling around this area was a good workout.  I was proud to see a little blister on my right hand. I got out on a perfect sandy beach. The water was calm and shallow. To my surprise I tipped getting out.  Lake water entered the kayak and my underwear.  Now I looked like I had a toileting accident which is what I told my friend last week when she did the same thing.  Sometimes 3 points of contact are not enough I guess.  Nevertheless I went out to eat at a pub with a patio where my capri pants dried right quick in the warm spring air.

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