Thursday, June 14, 2018

Who Pays The Taxes Around Here?

Today at lunch we discussed the story in the newspaper about a deer that killed a pet poodle dog by stomping on the head of the dog. Some people thought the dog owner was lacking in sensibility and others didn't. I forgot all about that story until I got home. I put fresh bedding in the chicken coop.  I gave them water because they had tipped over the water bowl (again). I noticed their food was low so I took the feeder to fill it up.  When I returned I saw a beautiful deer standing next to the coop eating grass. I stopped to admire it. It stopped to stare at me. It blinked it's beautiful dark eyes at me and stomped it's foot while still chewing the grass.  I saw it had two knobs on it's head so it must be a young buck. The knobs were about an inch high. The buck was a beautiful shade of red and the coat looked very handsome. The buck stomped his foot at me again. I said quietly, "I live here." The deer stomped. I said, "I pay the mortgage." The deer looked at me blankly for a few seconds and stomped again. I said, "Yeah, that is right. I pay the mortgage and the taxes on this place.  Do you pay any taxes or mortgage?" At that the buck decided it was time to find another spot and he slowly ambled away south into the woods that form the deer highway. The deer didn't hurry.  I guess he wasn't afraid of me. I wasn't afraid of him either but if he's willing to kick in a little on the taxes I would let him stay. For all I know he was born in this yard.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...