Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Brown Sugar Slush

I was looking out my office window at the parking lot as I searched for something in a file cabinet when I glanced up to see a man walking with two young boys. The smaller of the two boys had a blue parka on with snow boots and a little pair of jeans on his legs.  The man and the older boy walked ahead of him. The smaller boy changed course and instead of going around the speed bump, he attempted to go over it. He lost his balance a little so he reached his bare hand into the brown slush to steady himself. The slush has the consistency of brown sugar which might possibly explain what he did next.  The little boy put his slushy hand into his mouth to taste the slush. Then he took his hand out and wiped it on his coat. He did all this before his father and brother turned around to look at him.  I am sure I made a disgusted looking face watching him do that.  I cannot imagine what that salty slushy mixture of chemicals, oil, transmission fluid, salt, bird droppings, ash, and sand tasted like and I do not want to know. Sometimes I am surprised any humans make it to adulthood at all. The things kids put in their mouths can be disgusting. Once when Offspring #1 was about six months old I had him outside in the early morning before work so I could hang his cloth diapers on the line. I set him down under the clothes line. When I finish I pick him up and see that his teeth are green. Yeah, he ate a rabbit turd. He lived through that so I suppose this boy will make it too.

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