Wednesday, May 22, 2019

A Moment of Panic!

Yesterday I had an appointment at the courthouse in Saint Paul. I was to meet someone at 8:50 a.m. on the 16th floor. Traffic was terrible but I thought I could make it on time. I  made the error of mixing up the County Government Center with the Courthouse. That gave me an extra 4 blocks to walk along Kellogg Boulevard which I was able to do at a pretty good pace. I had to go through the metal detector at the courthouse. I put down my stuff in a bin. I explained I had metal hips. I got the wand passed over me and headed for the elevator. Only four  minutes late my phone started ringing as the elevator doors opened. The person calling me was right there. We met and went into  the courtroom. We weren't first on the docket but third so I got to observe the process until  my turn came. I got a text from Offspring #1 saying they were in the Seattle airport waiting for the plane to take them to their final destination. I responded. As I slipped my phone back  into my bag the darn thing  started talking. "Ebay, Google, Voice Mail, Messages, Netflix." The darn phone recited all the icons on the front of my phone. I moaned and left the courtroom. I came back  and  tried to be quiet and still. When my turn was over we left and had a discussion in a small meeting room. As we went to part ways I stayed  behind to use the women's restroom. That is where the panic set in. I lost my car keys which are attached  to all my id cards, credit cards, library cards, gift cards, insurance cards, and basically my entire existence.  GAH!!!!! I searched my body. I searched my bag. I did that three times. I went out to the lobby. I set my bag down on a wooden bench. I emptied it again. No keys. GAH! These are the same keys the pick pocket in Athens almost took from me. What am I going to do? Who can I call for help? I have my phone. Usually I loose my phone not the keys. No keys. My car is in Saint Paul and my extra key is in Ramsey. Panic set in big time. I  took a deep  breath and practiced my meditation for a minute or two. I descended the elevator. I approached the security officers and asked if they found any car keys. One kind man directed me to room 120. I go to room 120. My fingers are crossed on both hands. The woman at the desk is on the phone. When she finishes I ask if she found any car keys. My fingers are cramping they are crossed so hard. She holds up my car keys and the panic exits my body and is replaced with gratitude so quickly I get emotional whiplash. I expressed my thanks and hooked my keys to my bag and cradled them close  to my body. I told  the man at the metal detector that I have my keys and thanked him. I leave the courthouse and walk to the  seven blocks to my car. The overwhelming feeling of gratitude makes me feel like I am walking on cloud 9.

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Book Of The Little Axe

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