Friday, June 21, 2019

Happy Summer Solstice

After supper tonight I took the stem of some red leaf lettuce out to the chickens for a treat. I grabbed my bottle of animal stop on my way out. I spray this nasty smelling spray on my hostas every week plus any other plants I want to protect from the deer munching. As I approach the chicken coop a deer stands there looking at me. She is standing at the crest of the hill on my mowed path just beyond my compost pile. I stop to look at her. She looks at me. I ask, "You looking at me?" She responds by stomping her left front leg. I move a pace closer. She stomps her right front leg. "Seriously?" I ask, "Are we having a stand off?" I consider spraying her with animal stop but refrain. I doubt the spray would go that far. I advance another stop. She stomps her left front leg. Unlike me she has very dainty ankles. Her hooves are black and shiny. I advance another pace. She stomps her right front leg. I say, "We could do this all night." She huffs a huff of air and bounces away with her white tail bobbing through the grass. She enters for forest behind my house. I suspect she is miffed with me.

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Book Of The Little Axe

 Lauren Frances-Sharma is the author of Book Of The Little Axe: A Novel. I just finished reading it today. The story starts out in the late ...