Tuesday, May 17, 2022

More Flooding

Today I went to monitor my streams. I noticed two orange cones on the road to my second stream indicating the road was closed. When I parked my car and walked to the stream I saw the reason for the road closure. My stream flooded the road more than usual and created a wash out.

All the grass and tansy plants are plastered flat toward downstream. A lot of gravel was washed off the road. There is no way my car could make it through this washout.

This is where the road usually floods the road. See all that gravel on the left? That gravel was put there by the river.

This is the Cloquet River. I talked to a guy today on the bridge who grew up in the house next to the bridge. The river has encroached the field behind the house. This was an older man who has been retired since 1990 and is "older than dirt." He said he can remember only one other time in his life when the water got this high. This photo is from a boat landing. This is the approach to the boat landing. When I was here last summer the river stayed way behind those two signs you see standing in river water.


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