Friday, September 22, 2023

Life Ceremony

 Life Ceremony is a book of 12 short stories written by Sayaka Murata and translated from Japanese into English. The stories are set in Japan. One of the stories was about foraging in Tokyo. Another story is about a girl who tries real hard to fit in. In elementary school she was a leader so her nickname was the president. In high school she made an error the first day so her nick name was pea brain. She had another nickname in college and another nickname at work. She spoke differently and acted differently in each situation. So now she is going to get married. She doesn't know which personality to use. A friend suggests she invent a fifth personality. The strangest story was life ceremony. In this unusual tale the process of death changes over time. At the current time the body of a dead person is processed. When people gather to mourn they are served food containing the flesh of the deceased. At the meal couples are supposed to pair off and as they leave their goal if to create a new life by having relations. Each story was interesting and gave me a glimpse into the Japanese culture.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...