Tuesday, October 10, 2023


Weather has been cool in Duluth for the past five days. On Friday I tried to turn my heat on because my apartment was at 60 degrees with no luck. I tried many times all weekend. I put in a work order and felt glad to be a renter instead of a homeowner. Yesterday the maintenance man came out. He looked at the boiler and said it was fine. He thought the problem was my thermostat. He didn't fix the problem but he brought two space heaters because by now the temperature inside the apartment was 59 degrees. I also learned that Comfort Systems would be out to service both boilers today between noon and four.

This morning before I left I made sure the basement door was unlocked. I left a note explaining the problem. After my classes (Ukraine and the Cossacks/Genetics) I walked home at 4:30 hoping to enjoy a warm apartment. No luck. Comfort Systems did not come by. I informed the owner. At 6 p.m. I get a call that Comfort Systems is here and wants to get it. I let the man in and help him find the boiler. He is a talkative guy and he is explaining what he is doing and why he is doing it. He resets the boiler and it starts to work and then goes out. He cleans off the piece that tells the boiler to ignite and the piece that tells the boiler to shut off and tries again. This time it does work. The boiler still needs a thorough overhaul and that is now scheduled for November 1st. Boilers and furnaces need yearly overhauls. I learned a lot today; not only about Ukraine and the Cossacks and genetics but also boilers.


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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...