Friday, March 28, 2008

Creek or Creek?

The man who teaches my Master Naturalist class is also the Parks Supervisor in my city. I asked him what the name of the creek is that runs near my house. He said the official name is Ditch 66 but he thinks Elmcrest Creek sounds better. He says creek with an I sound, not the long E sound. I think creek with an I sound rings more natural to the ear but Offspring #2 thinks it sounds like an Arkansonian. In any case, Ditch 66 is not, in my opinion, that pretty of a name for such a nice creek. The kids played in that creek when they were young. I used to take Ruby, my golden retriever, down there to let her off the leash and play in the water. As I went by on my many walks around the neighborhood I would admire that creek and pay attention to how the water level changed. One of my neighbors had constructed a garden next the creek with yellow flowers blooming all summer. She has a garden bench down there and some statues - it's absolutely gorgeous. I'm not sure where Ditch 66 starts but it flows along the south side of Elmcrest Park, under Hwy. 47 just north of the Boy Scout Camp, turns north again, flows under 160th heading northeast under Dysprosium and and then east until it joins the Rum between the Scout Camp and the doctor's house. I can see why they call it a ditch. Along Elmcrest Park the creek is artifically straight. No doubt the farmer who owned that land moved the creek to the edge of the property so he or she could get a few more rows of corn in. Offspring #2 disagrees. She thinks Ditch 66 has a nice ring to it. She says she can imagine an entire fashion line named Ditch 66. Ditch 66 jeans, Ditch 66 body spray, and Ditch 66 underwear.

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