Monday, March 10, 2008

What The Young Can Teach You or Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Fun

Yesterday, on the drive back to Northfield with Offspring #2, I was talking about opossum. Is it opossum or opossums? Anyway, we have been talking a lot about opossum in my Master Naturalist class ever since our teacher forwarded us this picture of an opossum in his yard. He found it on the deck. He banked on the fact that it would "play possum" if he grabbed it, which it did. So while the possum was in that unconscious state of being scared nearly to death, he posed it for pictures involving a piece of steak on the end of a fork. So I was telling her about how we never used to see possums around here except for the past 5 years or so. The fact that we do see possum is related to global warming and urban sprawl. I told her that with their naked ears, tail and fingers, this is about as far north as they can take it because their hairless parts gets so cold and frostbitten. Here I am thinking I am so smart about possum when she tells me they have two reproductive organs apiece. Huh? Yes, they have bifurcated (forked)sexual organs. I googled this to verify this strange sexual fact. Where, may I ask, did she learn this? From my sister (you know who you are). When did she learn this? At a bonfire - where else would you talk about such things?

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Book Of The Little Axe

 Lauren Frances-Sharma is the author of Book Of The Little Axe: A Novel. I just finished reading it today. The story starts out in the late ...