Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Tonight I went to a class on the effects of climate change on monarch migration. It was Monarchs 101 for me. Monarchs are pretty amazing when you look at them closely. For example, they mate several times in their 4 week lives, for 16 hours at a time. 16 hours?!! Yes, 16 hours on average. Some monarch couples go over 24 hours. Besides sperm, the males inject the female with high protein substances. The females will use some of that protein to nourish their own bodies. Females can lay thousands of eggs. Very fertile female monarchs will lay more than their body weight in eggs. The class was fascinating. Because I drove the motorcycle, I had to leave early so I could be home before dark. I had a great time commuting to the class but I wish I could have stayed longer. I saw a couple deer in the ditch by the Coon Lake Maintenance Building. The sight of them gave me an adrenaline surge. I made it home safely just as the sun was setting.

Tomorrow is Earth Day. How are you celebrating? Here is a photo of the earth in my yard - the garden specifically. If you look carefully you can see a horizontal line of onion looking plants. That my garlic. I hope the earth is warming up and churning up the compost so it will be ready to receive my seeds and plants next month. I'm planning to see the new movie "Oceans" tomorrow. Review to follow.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...