Sunday, April 4, 2010

Summer Plans

This summer I want to spend some time on the water. Here are some pictures from a trip I took back in 2004 to the Apostle Islands, Wisconsin. That is me in the back row wearing a Navy hat. The leaders of the group paired us together. I was paired with an accountant from Michigan (see shirtless). He and I made a good pair because we both loved to go as deep into the sea caves as we possibly could. When our oars got too wide for the space, we would unscrew them in the middle or lay them sideways against the kayak. Sometimes the ceiling got so low we had to bend forward or backward to slide through. We propelled ourselves by pushing against the rock with our hands. The views inside the sea caves were awesome. One day we kayaked three miles out to an island. On the way back we saw a group of 40 loons riding the swells together out at sea. I'd never seen so many loons together in a group before. That sure was a good trip.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...