Thursday, June 10, 2010

An Opportunity

I am excited to be able to paddle in the Friends of the Mississippi paddle challenge. I, with many others, will be raising money for the Friends of the Mississippi River by paddling 44 miles through the Twin Cities on July 24 and 25th. We put in at the Coon Rapids Dam and come out at Gray Cloud Island. We will go through three locks and camp overnight at Fort Snelling. I need to raise $250 in funds to participate in this challenge. So far, as of today, I have $95 collected which comes out to 30% of my goal. If you would like to support me in this challenge, you can find my name as a paddler at the Click on the "support a paddler" button and then look for my name. Or if you don't like to donate on-line, contact me directly. A friend and I will be using Offspring #1's canoe. 44 miles seems like a long way to go but it is all downstream. I am going to shop for a pair of paddling gloves so I don't get blisters. I'm sure the sights of the city will take our minds off the drudgery. Lets hope for good weather that weekend. I'd prefer the wind at my back, thank you very much.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...