Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Camping Trip Continued

This a black admiral butterfly that flew into the soapy pan I was washing.  I set it on a rock to dry.  It may look like it has two heads but the head on the right is a shadow.
Paddle Paddle Paddle!
The morning was foggy.  Clouds of fog rolled by hiding the island that is normally within view from here.
In the morning we had a breakfast of huevos rancheros.  The name of our food got Max talking in a Spanish accent that improved as the day went on.  When a lonely orange got loose in our canoe, Max said it was our mascot and named it Jorge.  He gave it a face with a magic marker and compared it to Wilson, Tom Hank's mascot when he was on an island.  Jorge became another participant on our trip. After breakfast we were visited (inspected) by two park rangers and a volunteer.  The lead ranger was in her early 20's and had a nose ring and a very official National Park Service uniform.  I thought she was strangely rule abiding but that shows an assumption I make about people with nose rings.  She inspected and commented on our wood supply.  We had used a couple nails left in a tree but we didn't put them there.  She removed the nails.  She inspected our permits and reviewed all the rules again.  Before they left, the rangers told us about a waterfall we could find on the portage to Vernon Lake.  We were told to take a side path to the left.  They also warned us about storms coming with hail and lightening expected that day.  At camp, a little bird sang and sang and sang all dang day. I looked for it until I got a sore neck. I knew which tree it was in but the dang noisy bird never moved so I could not find it.  The bird sounded like a red-eyed vireo but a little different.  This bird had more variation in it's song.  I researched the sounds of vireo's and I believe it was a Philadelphia vireo.  That day we also saw vultures, common mergansers, ravens, loons, broadwing hawk, white throated sparrow, swamp sparrow, veery boreal chickadee, robins and eagles.  Many black and yellow admiral butterflies surrounded us.  I saw some twin flowers that I had read about at the ranger station.  We had lunch at a portage. We took the side trail that the rangers mentioned.  For a waterfall, it was very disappointing; nice rapids though. We had sandwiches at another campsite and paddled back to our home again. We had black bean burritos for dinner.  I had a little heartburn after dinner.  Kathy mentioned heart burn too and then commented that we had red and green peppers at breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Clouds filled the sky but the rain held off until after I was in bed.  The ranger exaggerated about the storm and the waterfall.  The pitter patter of rain on the tent fly was very soothing.  The sound of the rain, the water lapping at the shore just a few feet away, and the other campers snoring in their tents put me right to sleep.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...