Friday, July 15, 2011


This is the first summer that I have fed woodpeckers.  Other years I quit putting suet out in the spring because I thought the woodpeckers could peck wood and eat insects.  I thought they didn't  need the suet.  And maybe that is still true.  But now I feed the birds not because I think they  need me to survive.  I feed them because I want (need?) to see them.  I could say I'm doing research for my breeding bird atlas and that would not be a lie.  Truth is, I'd feed the woodpeckers even without the atlas work.  I enjoy seeing them.  The pileated woodpecker has not been around lately.  I  haven't even heard it laughing at me in the woods.  I am seeing hairy woodpeckers, downy woodpeckers and red bellied woodpeckers.  This summer is the first time I've seen a hairy woodpecker in the yard - or at least that I knew I was looking at a hairy woodpecker anyway.  At the grocery store I pick up a cake of high protein suet at $1.29 and that lasts us almost two weeks.  Once winter comes, I can set out beef fat in a mesh bag which will be cheaper.  If I set beef fat out now, I am sure it will go rancid quick in this hot weather. 

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...