Sunday, March 4, 2012

Project Feeder Watch Update

Mr. and Mrs .House Finch
Northern Cardinals-2, Black Capped Chickadee-5, White Breasted Nuthatch-2, Downy Woodpecker-2, Hairy Woodpecker-2, Red Bellied Woodpecker-1, Crow-3, House Finch-3, Goldfinch-5, Brown Creeper-1
I had a big group of finches eating crab apples and sunflower seeds this weekend.  I've never had that many before.  I looked and looked at two birds hoping they were pine siskins who sometimes socialize with finches.  No matter how long I stared and consulted my bird identification books, they were still female house finches, not pine siskins.

I did get one big satisfying moment though as I watch a squirrel try 10 consecutive times to get on my bird feeder without success.  I added a dome to the top of the wide pvc pipe.  The squirrel would climb up halfway, see the dome, and angrily push off the pipe sending himself flying to the side a couple yards away.  The squirrel was trying really hard though. I think he is going to figure it out.

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