Saturday, May 12, 2012

Another Morning Dedicated to Birdwatching

Today my bird class went back to Carlos Avery hoping to see more birds.  Despite the calm winds, blue sky, and moderate temperatures, there weren't nearly as many birds as we had hoped.  We saw common yellow throat, goldfinches, pileated woodpeckers, crows, red winged blackbirds, a beautiful scarlet tanager (plus we had a long look at it), great blue herons, cliff swallows, red bellied woodpeckers, swamp sparrows, ovenbird, Northern flicker, trumpter swans, song sparrows, Canadian geese (with goslings), a green heron, wood ducks mother and her babies, brown headed cowbirds, chestnut sided warbler, yellow warbler, coots, mallards, rose breasted grossbeaks, baltimore orioles, tree swallows, American redstart, blue jays, pied billed grebe, catbirds, scaup, blue winged teal, green winged teal, bald eagle, semi-palmated sandpiper, least sandpiper, bank swallows, great egret, sand hill cranes, bluebirds, house wren, brown thrasher, chickadee, Eastern kingbird, kestrel, and ringed neck ducks.  Plus we saw several deer and 6 map turtles.  I think I enjoyed the scarlet tanager the most.  That and spending the morning outside with other people having a good time.

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