Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dear Ruby Throated Hummingbird,

I suspected you were back for the past week because someone has been drinking the nectar.  On Sunday I saw your pretty face.  Welcome back.  You must be exhausted after flying across the Gulf of Mexico.   Feel free to use my yard to raise your family and spend your summer.  Consider this yard your territory but don't be surprised if another male wants to share the nectar.  I don't use very many pesticides so there should be plenty of bugs for your mate to feed her young.  When I go shopping for flowers, I will look for some with red, tubular blossoms.  I will put those on the deck close to the nectar. I promise to wash the nectar container between fillings.  And I hope I don't come across as a creepy stalker here but I would love to observe your "dive display" courtship behavior.  Just sayin.

Most Sincerely,
Orange Sue

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