Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Itasca State Park

On Friday afternoon we had a tour of Itasca State Park.  A naturalist named Connie showed us around. She has an enthusiastic manner of speaking and I think she could talk all day without running out of things to say.
She took us Preacher's Grove where we could see a big stand of red pines.
Some of these pines are nearly 500 years old.
We weren't allowed on the Wilderness Trail because of the high fire threats today so we stopped at the Headwaters of the Mississippi.
This is where the river begins as it leaves Lake Itasca.
 They say if you make a wish as you wet your feet, your wish will come true in 90 days - the time it takes a drop from this area to travel to the Gulf of Mexico.  The water was cold.  Connie told us about Mary Gibbs who was the park manager. She risked her life to save this spot from environmental degradation by the logging companies.  I'd like to read Mary Gibb's biography some day.
And then we went on a bog walk.
Hepatica was in bloom.
Marsh Marigold was in bloom.
Sweet colt's foot was also in bloom.
The boat is on the lake and ready for tours.
We stayed to get a look at the old timer's cabin.  Connie let us go inside.  She has met some of the CCC workers (now in their 90's) who built this cabin and other structures.  She told us some of their stories.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...