Saturday, May 11, 2013

My Only Witnesses

The only witnesses to my home invasion that I know of are chicken; chicken as in poultry and chicken as in lacking nerve.  My chickens are so chicken they probably wouldn't tell me what the intruder looked like if they could.  They got a good long look at him though as he broke in right by the coop.  I've changed my mind about the camera.  At first I was offended that the intruder didn't take my camera, my binoculars, my television, and some other things that could be pawned.  Now I think he came in, saw my jewelry (all costume jewelry), saw that I had no X-Box, no iPad, no blue ray player, felt sorry for me, grabbed the cash and left.  I was wondering why he chose this house.  I live in a neighborhood with some very fancy houses and mine is not one of them.  I do, however, have something very valuable and that is a private back yard.  I think that is why my house was chosen.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...