Sunday, December 8, 2013


Saturday was supposed to be a spectacular day for me.  I had the Minnesota Ornithological Union paper session training at the Bell Museum from 8 until 4:30 and then I had a dinner party to go to.  And most of the day was spectacular.  The bird speakers were engaging and I learned a lot.  We celebrated the end of the five year project - the Minnesota Breeding Bird atlas and I got to meet some of the other priority block holders.  I was really having a great day until about 2:30 when I took a big swig of Bell Museum water fountain water and, "Oh, oh!" a queasy feeling came over me.  I thought it was the water so I didn't drink anymore.  When I got to the dinner party I was served a delicious meal of appetizers, salad, vegie chili, cornbread and pumpkin cheese cake.  I was just dabbling at the food because I wasn't feeling the best.  I didn't want to be rude and not eat any but what difference does it make if you only take two bites? 
We were talking and having a good time when my stomach sent an urgent message to my head.  I heard the message but I didn't believe it because it has been 25 years since my last upheavel.  It was a good thing I excused myself and headed to the bathroom because sure enough, upheavel; driving the porcelain bus, blowing chunks.  I hate to say ralph because that is the name of one of my hosts so I'll say upchuck instead.  And then I felt better.  I washed my face and rinsed my mouth and rejoined the group.  "Cheesecake?" I was asked.  "Just a tiny sliver, " I replied trying to pretend I was okay.  I moved it around on my plate.  An hour and a half later upheavel happened again.  As discreetly as one can be when hurling, I hurled and ended the evening.  I felt fine in the car driving home.  I brushed my teeth three times and went to bed. I woke up a half hour later for more upheavel.  I was up every couple hours.  There comes a point when there is nothing left to heave so you just go through the disgusting motions.  Yikes.  I've been upheavel free for 13 hours now so maybe the worst is over.  I've got a busy week ahead and I don't have time for queasiness! 


Dianne said...

Oh that sounds awful. I hate feeling under the weather but even worse to do the up chucking. Hope that passes soon. I think there are cases of that going around here too. Feel Better!

Sue said...

Thanks Dianne! I'm on the right path now.

Book Of The Little Axe

 Lauren Frances-Sharma is the author of Book Of The Little Axe: A Novel. I just finished reading it today. The story starts out in the late ...