Monday, December 30, 2013

Vermillion Drift

I took William Kent Kruger's mystery novel Vermillion Drift on my trip earlier this month.  I started reading it on the airplane on the way west and it totally held my attention the entire time I read it.  This story is one of a series about a former police detective and his life in a small town in northwestern Minnesota.  The main character is the same, his family is the same, his mentor is the same, most of the people in the book are the same but this time the crime takes place in a mine.  This mine is an underground mine like the one at the Tower Soudan State Park.  Although the story was predictable I still enjoyed it.  This author has at least 10 books about the same character.  I'm not sure I'll read them all but if I need something easy to read to keep my mind occupied, I just might pick up another one.

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