Thursday, April 3, 2014

A Gift

One of the people I contact at my job knows of my interest in birds.  We took a bird class together once.  He brought me a gift today.  The gift was a photo he took while on vacation in Belize.  This photo is full of bright green leaves.  In the center of the leaves is a little bird with a maroon berry in it's beak.  The bird has a red head, a black body and yellow legs.  He asked me to identify the bird.  I had no idea.  I've never seen such a bird like this before but I was pretty sure this wasn't a Minnesota bird.   He said it was a red capped manakin.  I love the photo.  All the green leaves feel like a healing balm to my eyes that have been deprived of color by a long winter.    I taped the photo to the top of my computer monitor at work.  Then I searched the net for the red capped manakin to learn more about it.  The male red capped manakin's mating dance came up.  OMG!  For sure this would make a girl's heart go pitter patter!

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...