Friday, April 25, 2014


Last Sunday Offspring #2 and I moved the chickens from the winter headquarters to the summer headquarters on the east side of the house.  Now they have fresh ground to explore and the morning sun to enjoy.  I'm sure they appreciate it after having the same small section of earth since November.  That particular section was covered in chicken crap about 3 inches deep even though I had removed gallons and gallons of it over the season.  This morning I went to check on them and throw them a handful of delicious black sunflower seeds.  I saw evidence of something digging at the outside of the chicken run.  Something dug, or tried to dig, two holes.  Something was trying to get into the run.  Lucky for the chickens we placed the run in a spot where we are trying to get rid of the wild grapevines that were taking over that spot of prairie.  Grapevines are tough to get rid of.  Grapevines are hard to pull out. Grapevines roots are incredibly durable.  The grapevine roots frustrated the something that was trying to dig a hole.  I wonder what the something was.  A dog?  A fox?  It might be time to set up that trail camera. 

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...