Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween!

One of my best friends left me a message on my work voice mail this morning.  I was not expecting to hear two inappropriate Halloween jokes and a riddle on my work voice mail at 7 o'clock in the morning. I was confused, then amused, and then I was laughing out loud.  I could not see clearly because my eyes were full of water. I told my office neighbor.  She texted half the joke to her mother in Longville, Minnesota.  Her mother came back with an even more inappropriate response than the one I had. So then we were both laughing so hard we couldn't talk. Now this terrible, inappropriate joke is going all around the senior citizens in Longville.  Next I called a family member and told her the inappropriate joke.  Now the same terrible joke is going around Roseville.  What a day I have had.  Unexpected pleasures keep coming at me when I least expect it.  I will give you the first part of the joke and you come up with your own answer.  Why don't witches have babies? Answer: _________________________________________.

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