Sunday, December 10, 2017

Chicken Names

The names of the chickens are as follows: Chickenson Caruso (Buff Orpington/mother hen), Heckyl and Jeckyl (identical black Cuckoo Marans), Hyde/Heidi/Hidy Ho Neighbor (darkest Americauna), Half Pint (small medium brown Americauna, and last but not least Pollyanna (lightest blonde Americauna. The species of Cuckoo Marans are aptly named. Heckyl (What the heck Heckyl) stepped on my foot six times tonight looking for the open door to the coop while I quietly said, "Cuckoo Maran" over and over and over until it didn't sound like an insult anymore.  Cuckoo Maran! This bird is prone to panic but ate a dried meal worm off my mud boot. I just shake the bag and it will follow me anywhere. I am a pied piper of cuckoo marans. The possom has moved on to greener pastures.  All is well. Peace reigns in the valley.  I saw a turkey print (and white tail deer and feral cat and chipmunk) right outside the coop but I am not going to worry about poultry visitations.

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