Friday, December 8, 2017

Possum Trundles

A couple weeks ago I saw a dead possum at the end of my block. The next day I saw a red tailed hawk eating that possum. On Thanksgiving I saw a live possum under my bird feeder. That weekend I saw a large conglomeration of possum manure at the bottom of the oak closest to my deck. The possum was eating the chicken feed the chickens kick out of the coop. The possum was eating the scraps from the compost bin. Also it was obvious someone (cough/possum/cough) was trying to get into the chicken run because the cover to the run was kitteywampus. I take care of the chickens in the dark. I imagine opening the door to the egg laying section of the coop and coming face to face with a possum pretending to be a chicken and I don't like this image in my head. I decide to persuade the possum to trundle on over to the next part of the neighborhood. I leave the yard light on all night for three nights. I make changes in my yard to make it a welcoming place for nature and then I complain when I get stung by ground nesting bees and when I imagine a possum the chicken coop. There is no pleasing me.

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Book Of The Little Axe

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