Monday, November 15, 2021

Civil War

 Living in a state park such as Fort Adams state park seems like a peaceful neighborhood. Yesterday morning, after breakfast, we heard cannon fire and musket fire. Civil war reenactors were crawling through the grass only a few yards from the fence in the back yard. A woman in civil war era clothing stood on top of a fort hill. We put on our shoes and started walking to the parking lot. We saw a man in a red and blue military outfit walk by. He told us they were reenacting the civil war. I asked who was winning. He said the score was tied one to one.  A grand daughter asked who's side we were on. Many thoughts raced through my mind. How to explain the civil war to a 6 year old within her attention span. Do I talk about greed or cotton or wealth or civil rights? I resorted to the lesson I learned in school. One side wanted the black people to be slaves and the other side wanted the black people to be free. Grand daughter said she wanted to be on the side of free black people. Next thing a lady with glasses, long hair, and a blue uniform crawled by us in the tall grass. She shot her gun. Bang! She laid down in the grass on her back sprawled out. Someone asked Sargent Major if Sargent Major was dead. Sargent Major replied not yet. The war continued. The lady rolled over onto her stomach and fired her rifle again before laying on her back again. I thought the Civil war was over but evidently it continues. How odd they continue it here at Fort Adams which was never attacked and not involved in the civil war and was far away from any Civil war battles.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...