Friday, June 3, 2022

Arcadia National Park

I am on a road trip with Offspring #2 and her foxhound. We drove through Wisconsin and Illinois before spending the night at a hotel in Indiana. In Indiana I heard  bull frogs and tree frogs calling. The next day we drove east and camped at Black Moshannan state park in Pennsylvania which was very nice. The next morning we drove east into New Jersey, through New York and Connecticut into Rhode Island and we spent 2 nights with Offspring #1 and his family at his place inside Fort Adams State Park. The next day we drove to Arcadia National Park in Maine. And that is where we saw this family of mergansers on an outing. One baby rode on her back while the others swam behind. We saw this on our 3.7 mile hike around Jordan pond.

This is seal harbor. We didn't see any seals but it was nice to see the Atlantic waves rolling toward the beach. Arcadia is a huge national park. The campground was nice but the bathrooms have no soap and no showers. Our campground was called the Sea Wall campground because the ocean formed a natural sea wall by washing up large stones and forming a wall. We spent the evening staring like zombies into the campfire. A winter wren kept us entertained with song in the early morning.

Arcadia National Park has a wildflower garden. Here are yellow lady slippers in full bloom.


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